The Road Home director, Zhang Yimou, used traditional color meanings along with other forms of symbolism to create depth and beauty in what could have otherwise been a simple, quiet story. Yimou effectively portrayed the main character's emotions through the use of color, and the symbolism of the environment, her actions and the objects surrounding her. Because of the wealth of material this would be to cover, I will be focusing in on color and the environment.
As the film continues, the seasons change- slowly progressing into fall. The colors of the environment slowly become more orange and yellow, representative of spontaneity- fitting as Di and Changyu slowly begin to take to chances of expressing their interest in each other. When Changyu is being taken to the city due to unclear circumstances (cultural revolution is inferred), he gives Di a red barrette to go with the red top he first saw her in. This reflects back to their luck and happiness in finding each other.
As time continues to pass without the return of Changyu, the
seasons change to winter, becoming bleak and white. With this color choice and
the symbolism of the loss of happiness as Di's love is missing with the
uncertainty of return. White is representative of death in Chinese color; in
this instance reflecting the death of Di's happiness in Changyu's absence
rather than the death of a person.
All the while, there are traces of the color red as Di
fights to hold on to her luck and love. The Road Home shows
the visual manifestations of the main character's emotions, creating a vivid
depiction of love, life, and the beauty in memories.
This is so good. I like that you comment on the overall symbolic use of color in this film, and then look closely at how the colors of the film change (representing seasons, but other developments as well). Mimi